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mercredi, février 21 2018

Physiological Mechanisms of Heat Stress Tolerance in Turfgrass download free

Soliman Wagdi Saber,Sugiyama Shu-ichi: Physiological Mechanisms of Heat Stress Tolerance in Turfgrass

Physiological Mechanisms of Heat Stress Tolerance in Turfgrass

Author: Soliman Wagdi Saber,Sugiyama Shu-ichi
Number of Pages: 116 pages
Published Date: 15 Mar 2013
Publisher: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
Publication Country: United States
Language: English
ISBN: 9783659363276
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T A Rickard,D W Brunton: Technical Reminiscences

Technical Reminiscences

Author: T A Rickard,D W Brunton
Number of Pages: 28 pages
Published Date: 25 Nov 2009
Publisher: Bcr (Bibliographical Center for Research)
Publication Country: United States
Language: English
ISBN: 9781115420150
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mardi, février 20 2018

University College of Bahrain download pdf

Lennox Raphael Eyvindr: University College of Bahrain

University College of Bahrain

Author: Lennox Raphael Eyvindr
Number of Pages: 96 pages
Published Date: 15 Oct 2011
Publisher: Plor
Publication Country: United States
Language: English
ISBN: 9786137934265
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The Lo-Tech Navigator download ebook

Tony Crowley: The Lo-Tech Navigator

The Lo-Tech Navigator

Author: Tony Crowley
Number of Pages: 148 pages
Published Date: 31 Jul 2004
Publication Country: Lanham, United States
Language: English
ISBN: 9781574091915
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William M Love: How to Restore Your Collector Bicycle

How to Restore Your Collector Bicycle

Author: William M Love
Number of Pages: 128 pages
Published Date: 17 Mar 2009
Publisher: Wam Books
Publication Country: United States
Language: English
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Thomas Hennen: Library Services to Farmers

Library Services to Farmers

Author: Thomas Hennen
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William Crookes: Select Methods in Chemical Analysis: Chiefly Inorganic (1886)

Select Methods in Chemical Analysis: Chiefly Inorganic (1886)

Author: William Crookes
Number of Pages: 748 pages
Published Date: 30 Oct 2007
Publisher: Kessinger Publishing
Publication Country: Whitefish MT, United States
Language: English
ISBN: 9780548645338
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Henry Francis Walling: Topographical Surveying

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Author: Henry Francis Walling
Number of Pages: 216 pages
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Walter Rice,Emiliano Echeverria: The Key System: San Francisco and the Eastshore Empire

The Key System: San Francisco and the Eastshore Empire

Author: Walter Rice,Emiliano Echeverria
Number of Pages: 127 pages
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Publisher: Arcadia Publishing (SC)
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J. Frank,Peter W. Hawkes,R. Hegerl,W. Hoppe,M. S. Isaacson,D. Kopf,J. E. Mellema,W. O. Saxton,Mark Utlaut: Computer Processing of Electron Microscope Images

Computer Processing of Electron Microscope Images

Author: J. Frank,Peter W. Hawkes,R. Hegerl,W. Hoppe,M. S. Isaacson,D. Kopf,J. E. Mellema,W. O. Saxton,Mark Utlaut
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Glenys Fox: A Handbook for Special Needs Assistants: Working in Partnership with Teachers

A Handbook for Special Needs Assistants: Working in Partnership with Teachers

Author: Glenys Fox
Number of Pages: 68 pages
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Publication Country: London, United Kingdom
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Western Civilization: Ideas, Politics, and Society, Volume I: To 1789

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